The Growing Pot – Fascinating Design

  • 20 Jul '15
  • 10:58 am by Crew
‘Growth’ Pots


Today design is all about sustainability, so we were most fascinated when we discovered the ‘Growth’ pots. The London-based duo at Studio Ayaskan, have mastered the art of sustainable design with their ‘Growth’ pots. Inspired by the Japenese art or origami, these pots expand and grow making room for more soil and deeper roots as the plant grows.

“In nature, everything evolves, adapts, grows, blooms, degrades, dies, gets absorbed, reused,” said the designers, Bike and Begum Ayaskan, told Contemporist. “The modern approach to building is the opposite. Here, things exist in stages: objects are produced, used, discarded… Growth, through it’s carefully calculated origami pattern, mimics nature’s ability to grow and transform by unfolding over time, bringing these qualities to the manufactured object.”

Growth uses a carefully calculated pattern to mimic nature’s process. The pot grows with the plant perfectly complimenting nature’s wonderful process.


Looks different each time.
The Different Stages