Collectibles | Furniture
Like all things that have passed the test of endurance, reclaimed teak that has been toughened over decades is a strong and sustainable material for design. Ahmedabad-based Tectona Grandis Furniture holds a firm footing over this same teak wood that has been seasoned and strengthened over years in extreme conditions. The firm takes its name from the scientific term for teak and creates furniture that weaves contemporary designs into the time-tested material. Tectona Grandis Studio is the expression of founder Dhruvkant Amin’s passion for originality and love for crafting something strikingly singular. At his experience centre, one can see that the furniture designed by him has a character of its own, standing boldly in perfect harmony with its ambience, and reflecting the quality of work of his experienced team.
With the belief towards conservation of the environment, Tectona Grandis is specialized in making furniture out of ‘Reclaimed Teak Wood’, with the overarching ethos of handcrafted sustainable design. The coating used for the finishing of furniture is also environmentally friendly, and the in-house designs and manufacturing allow the company to offer customized solutions to specific requirements of its clients. The contemporary designs of Tectona Grandis redefine the functionality of teak wood furniture that offers unparalleled comfort and flexibility to its consumers.
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