Portside Cafe is a boutique brand established in 2007, which is eternally on the lookout for inspirations from everyday life, of travels, of unapologetic nostalgia. In the business of designing, manufacturing and marketing furniture and home accessory products, every piece of theirs has a bit of a back story – a raison d’être so to speak. With influences that are as diverse as old classic movies, rock music, books, a colour, a building or even a flower, Portside Cafe’s products are relatable on an intrinsic level. They exude a warmth that is old-worldly at first glance but is thoroughly modern in their interpretations and executions. Portside Cafe’s parent company Kish Handicrafts Private Ltd exports to some of the best-known stores in the world and is a testament to the fine craftsmanship of the brand.
Portside Cafe was established by Bobby Aggarwal who’s love for leather and all its natural marks and blemishes add individual character to each piece of furniture he makes. He prides himself on achieving that weathered, “brought down from the attic” look that he has so distinctly managed to encapsulate in all his pieces. The most unique feature about Bobby’s design is that although “inspired’’, it can never be categorised as “belonging to a certain style or period.” His sensibility shines through everything he designs, making almost everyone that walks into his shop smile.
Hello! Portside Cafe,